Google Nexus S To Be Available On AT&T

Google Nexus S

Last year, Google announced the first smartphone powered by the Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) Operating System, the Google Nexus S. This handset comes with a 4 inch WVGA SUPER AMOLED display, 1 GHz application processor, 5 megapixel camera with HD video recording and so on. The Google Nexus S and the Nexus S 4G are already available for T-Mobile and Sprint customers respectively. But Google recently announced that, the powerful Nexus S will be fianally available for the AT&T customers, starting this weekend. Check out the complete specs, after the break.
AT&T Google Nexus S Specifications:


Google+ was launched by Google a few weeks ago which is their new social network service for internet users, like Facebook and Twitter. Google+ is the fastest growing social network, as it reached 10 million users in just 16 days and it’s reported that soon it will be hitting the huge mark of 20 million, impressive isn’t it? But still it’s not a big threat to Facebook because it has more than 750 million users. Google+ App was first launched for Android phones only and then later it was launched for iPhone and now Google officially announced that they will also launch a Google+ App for WP7 powered devices so WP7 users, don’t think Google didn’t remember you. We don’t know when it’s officially coming out but you can expect it in the coming week. Along with the new app, Google will also bring some new changes to Google+, have a look:

    1.Ability to modify circles a post is shared with after posting it
    2. Google+ Android App update for Reading sparks and +1 comments
    3.Lifting of the 5000 circle cap
    4.The ability to overlap circles
    5.Easy private messaging option including to person who starts a thread
    6.Google+ app for Windows Phone 7
    7.Better integration of Google Chat with Google+
    8.Fix issues with instant upload for photos
    9.Ability to share with all circles, but with an “except” option
    10.Ability to share Google Docs and Calendar with circles
    11.Revamp Google Reader to make sharing easier
    12.File-sharing integration
    13.Addition of hashtags to aid searching
    14. Faster updates to the no. of people following you
    15.Revamped minor UI change

Well, some good new changes coming to Google+ and also an app for WP7. So tell us WP7 users, are you waiting for the Google+ app?


Nothing much, But there is some option available which help you to get back your stolen mobile

All Mobile have unique IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity) Number, no two mobile have same number it is totally unique , to check your IMEI number dial *#06#

with this IMEI  Number you will get so many information about your handset and maker of the mobile and manufacture place ,etc

If some one stole your mobile then Follow Below given step which will help you to get your mobile back
Follow this step
  1.     Submit your FIR if your mobile lost or stolen
  2.     Then submit your FIR to your service provider
  3.     Then ask your service provider to trace your number
  4.     If your mobile is switched on and it has different Simcard then it will trace easily
  5.     If your simcard is not activated then also your mobile can trace
  6.     You can ask your service provider to Block your IMEI number
  7.     Service provider use a shared hosting service for blocking IMEI numbers
  8.     Witch mean if your mobile have different sim then also Your mobile  not work
  9.     your service provider get that sim number which is used for you IMEI Number


    when ever you purchased new mobile then take your IMEI number and note it
    if your mobile lost or stolen then  call to your service provider and block your number
    then go to your nearest police station and give written complete that is FIR
    and take one copy for you
    then submit this copy to your service provider

Nokia’s Booklet 3G launches for $299


 Nokia announced the official launch of the heavily anticipated Nokia Booklet 3G on AT&T today. Nokia Booklet 3G will be available from October 22 for a subsidized price of $299 with a 2-year contract at $60/month data plan and $599 for an unsubsidized piece.


Although the exposure from base stations will be many times lower than from using a mobile phone, the Stewart Group acknowledged that there was some public concern about base stations located on or near schools. The pattern of radio waves emitted is generally even, but there is a zone within each cell where the concentration of waves will be slightly higher. The base station operator will be able to provide information about the pattern of radio wave emissions if a school or parents are concerned about the possibility that this zone includes a school or any part of its grounds.

Within the overall distribution of radio waves from base station across its cell, there is a zone where the concentration is higher than elsewhere.



Mobile phones are very popular with young people and have obvious attractions for personal security and keeping in touch with others. Parents and young people should make their own informed choices about the use of mobile phones. The current balance of evidence does not show health problems caused by using mobile phones. However the research does show that using mobile phone affects brain activity. There are also significant gap in our scientific knowledge. Because the head and nervous system are still developing into the teenage years, the expert group considers that if there are any unrecognised health risks from mobile phone use, then children and young people might be more vulnerable than adults.

The expert group has recommended that in line with precautionary approach, the widespread use of mobile phones by children (under the age of 16) should be discouraged for non-essential calls.

In light of this recommendation the UK Chief Medical Officer strongly advise that where children and young people do use mobile phones, they should be encouraged to:

Use mobile phones for essential calls only.


Mobile phones are low power devices that transmit and receive radio waves. These connect each phone to a network of base stations, so that users can make and receive calls.Radio waves have been used for communication for over 100 years. But the speed with which mobile phones have become so widely used is unprecedented. This has led to public concern about their impact on health.Radio waves emitted above certain levels can cause heating effects in the body. International guidelines seek to ensure that exposure is kept below that level. All mobile phones sold in the UK meet these guidelines.

                                                        The balance of current research evidence suggests that exposure to radio waves below levels set out in international guidelines do not cause health problems for the general population. However, there is some evidence that changes in brain activity can occur below these guidelines, but isn't clear why. There are significant gaps in our scientific knowledge. This has led a group of independent experts (Commissioned by government and headed by Sir William Stewart) to recommend "a precautionary approach" to the use of mobile phones until more research findings become available.

If you use a mobile phone, you can choose to minimise your exposure to radio waves. These are ways to do so:
Keep your calls short Consider relative SAR values when buying a new phone.

How mobile affects driving?is it affect concentration or some other else?

How Safe are Cell Phones?

Cell phones are almost as common as pocket change these days. It seems nearly everyone, including an increasing number of children, carries a cell phone wherever they go. Cell phones are now so popular and convenient that they are surpassing landlines as the primary form of telecommunication for many people.
Is Growing Cell-Phone Use Increasing Health Risks?
In 2008, for the first time, Americans are expected to spend more on cell phones than on landlines, according to the U.S. Labor Department. And we not only love our cell phones, we use them: Americans racked up more than a trillion cell-phone minutes in the first half of 2007 alone.
Yet, as cell-phone use continues to grow, so does concern about the possible health risks of prolonged exposure to cell-phone radiation.

How to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation

I have fought for cellphone radiations,As we all know cell phones are making radiations then i was searching for how 2 protect ourself from cell phone radiations.
Some studies have indicated a link between cell-phone radiation and cancer, lower bone density, infertility in men, and changes in brain activity—the latter after less than an hour of exposure. Other studies have shown no adverse health effects associated with cell-phone use, but many researchers believe those results will change after enough time passes for future studies to show the long-term effects of ubiquitous cell-phone use by a significant number of people.
Despite the mixed research results, many people are increasingly concerned about the possible health effects of frequent, long-term exposure to cell-phone radiation.
How Our Bodies Absorb Cell Phone Radiation
Different cell-phone models emit different amounts of radiation, so one way to reduce your exposure is to purchase a cell phone with a lower SAR (specific absorption rate), a number that indicates how much radiation is absorbed by the human body when the handset is being used at maximum power. The Environmental Working Group has compiled a list of SAR values for most cell phones.
SAR values are useful, but they are bound to increase as cell phones become more powerful and add new features and applications. How you use your cell phone is a much better way to control your exposure to cell-phone radiation.
Lower Your Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation
The following tips will help you protect yourself from cell phone radiation by enabling you to use your phone in ways that lower your radiation exposure.

Definition of CDMA


CDMA, or Code Division Multiple Access, is a competing cell phone service technology to GSM, which is the world’s most widely used cell phone standard.

CDMA uses a “spread-spectrum” technique whereby electromagnetic energy is spread to allow for a signal with a wider bandwidth. This allows multiple people on multiple cell phones to be “multiplexed” over the same channel to share a bandwidth of frequencies. With CDMA technology, data and voice packets are separated using codes and then transmitted using a wide frequency range. Since more space is often allocated for data with CDMA, this standard became attractive for 3G high-speed mobile Internet use.
                                                        The CDMA standard was originally designed by Qualcomm in the U.S. and is primarily used in the U.S. and portions of Asia by other carriers. Sprint, Virgin Mobile and Verizon Wireless use CDMA while T-Mobile and AT&T use GSM. While CDMA and GSM compete head on in terms of higher bandwidth speed (i.e. for surfing the mobile Web), GSM has more complete global coverage due to roaming and international roaming contracts.GSM technology tends to cover rural areas in the U.S. more completely than CDMA. Over time, CDMA won out over less advanced TDMA technology, which was incorporated into more advanced GSM.

How the GSM came

During the early 1980s, analog cellular telephone systems were experiencing rapid growth in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom, but also in France and Germany. Each country developed its own system, which was incompatible with everyone else's in equipment and operation. This was an undesirable situation, because not only was the mobile equipment limited to operation within national boundaries, which in a unified Europe were increasingly unimportant, but there was also a very limited market for each type of equipment, so economies of scale and the subsequent savings could not be realized.
The Europeans realized this early on, and in 1982 the Conference of European Posts and Telegraphs (CEPT) formed a study group called the Groupe Special Mobile (GSM) to study and develop a pan-European public land mobile system. The proposed system had to meet certain criteria:
  • Good subjective speech quality
  • Low terminal and service cost
  • Support for international roaming
  • Ability to support handheld terminals
  • Support for range of new services and facilities
  • Spectral efficiency
  • ISDN compatibility 
In 1989, GSM responsibility was transferred to the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI), and phase I of the GSM specifications were published in 1990.


EDGE, which stands for Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution, is a faster version of GSM. EDGE is a high-speed 3G technology that was built upon the GSM standard.
EDGE takes GSM even further. GSM, which stands for Global System for Mobile communications, reigns as the world’s most widely used cell phone technology.EDGE networks are designed to deliver multimedia applications such as streaming television, audio and video to mobile phones at speeds up to 384 Kbps. Such speeds still pale in comparison, though, to standard DSL and high-speed cable access today.

EDGE delivers a boost of more than three times the capacity and performance over GSM.

The EDGE standard was first launched in the United States in 2003 by Cingular, which is now AT&T, on top of the GSM standard. AT&T, T-Mobile and Rogers Wireless in Canada all use EDGE networks.


Operating system of mobile 
Like a computer operating system, a mobile operating system is the software platform on top of which other programs run. When you purchase a mobile device, the manufacturer will have chosen the operating system for that specific device. The operating system is responsible for determining the functions and features available on your device, such as thumbwheel, keyboards, WAP, synchronization with applications, e-mail, text messaging and more. The mobile operating system will also determine which third-party applications can be used on your device.

for more details CLICK HERE


# Stay connected anytime and anywhere: The most basic benefit of a cell phone for which most of us use it is that we can stay connected with our loved ones in any part of the world and anytime. Gone are the days when we used to stand in queues to make an STD or ISD calls. You can talk to your loved ones staying even seven seas far with cell phones.
# SMS: When initially SMS was invented, the makers were not actually sure whether it will work. I mean when people can straightaway make a call and talk, then why would anybody like to take the pain of typing a message! But to their surprise SMSs are today the most widely used service across the world. There are many situations in which a person can’t attend a call, so all you have to do is simply send an SMS and without talking your message is delivered.
# Your way out in emergencies: Imagine you are stuck in a traffic jam, getting late for a meeting or your car has broken down in middle of nowhere. Cell phones are of great use in time of such emergencies. You can contact help with the use of cell phone easily.
# Navigation in your hand: cell phones are constantly being upgraded with new technology and the recent phones are equipped with navigation and GPRS systems. You can never get lost if you have a cell phone with navigation system. Imagine, it gives you the details of every nook and corner of your destination.
# Mini PC: cell phones are nowadays almost equivalent to mini computers. The latest ones are equipped with windows and internet facilities. So you don’t need to wait for the newspaper! You can simply access the internet on your cell phone and get to know about the latest news, your e-mails, movie shows and a lot more!

Keep sharing and reading


  1. “beyond 3G” and when might we expect 4G to go live?
  2. No technology would be complete without a looming upgrade for tomorrow. What’s on the horizon for 4G, what improvements will it bring?  
While all 4G service is called "4G," the underlying technology is not the same. Sprint, for example, uses WiMax technology for its 4G network, while Verizon Wireless uses a technology called Long Term Evolution, or LTE. 
                                            4G wireless is the term used to describe the fourth-generation of wireless service. 4G is a step up from 3G, which is currently the most widespread, high-speed wireless service. 4G is only available in limited areas.No matter what technology is behind it, 4G wireless is designed to deliver speed. On average, 4G wireless is supposed to be anywhere from four to ten times faster than today's 3G networks. Sprint says its 4G WiMax network can offer download speeds that are ten times faster than a 3G connection, with speeds that top out at 10 megabits per second. Verizon's LTE network, meanwhile, can deliver speeds between 5 mbps and 12 mbps. 

3G or Next-generation

what is 3G really and where did it come from?
The first pre-commercial 3G network launched in May 2001 by NTT DoCoMo in Japan. The network was branded as FOMA. Following the first pre-commercial launch, NTT DoCoMo again made history with the first commercial launch of 3G in Japan on Oct. 1, 2001.
                                                            3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology. 3G supersedes 2G technology and precedes 4G technology. 2.5G was a temporary bridge between 2G and 3G.3G technologies enabled faster data-transmission speeds, greater network capacity and more advanced network services.Following 2.5G, 3G ushered in faster data-transmission speeds so you could use your cell phone in more data-demanding ways. This has meant streaming video (i.e. movie trailers and television), audio and much more.

2.5 generation

2.5 generation technologies,which enable high-speed data transfer over upgraded existing 2G networks, are widely deployed worldwide.3G or Next-generation, designed to allow the transmission of very large quantities of data, is also becoming increasingly popular.In the world of cell phones, 2.5G wireless technology is a stepping stone that bridged 2G to 3G wireless technology. While 2G and 3G have been formally defined as wireless standards, 2.5G has not been and was created only for the purposes of marketing.
                                                                  As an interim step from 2G to 3G, 2.5G saw some of the advances inherent in 3G networks (including packet-switched systems). The evolution from 2G to 3G ushered in faster and higher-capacity data transmission.

2G or second generation

2G or second-generation wireless technologies saw their first commercial light of day on the GSM standard. GSM stands for global system for mobile communications.In the world of cell phones, 2G signifies second-generation wireless digital technology. Fully digital 2G networks replaced analog 1G, which originated in the 1980s.2G on GSM standards were first used in commercial practice in 1991 by Radiolinja, which was a Finnish GSM operator founded on Sept 19,1988.The main differentiator to previous mobile telephone systems, retroactively dubbed 1G, is that the radio signals that 1G networks use are analog, while 2G networks are digital. Note that both systems use digital signalling to connect the radio towers (which listen to the handsets) to the rest of the telephone system.

Can u think about 1G Mobiles

Can you think about analog bag phones and brick phones?
The investigation has started 1970 years before the invention of 1G mobile technologies in 1980.1G was introduced as the analog standard for cell phone.In the world of cell phones, 1G signifies first-generation wireless analog technology standards.1G was replaced by 2G wireless digital standards.


Technologies are arising day by day but there are many difference in 3rd generation mobile phones.first the mobile phones arisen from 1G or first generation then its technologies improved and then to  2G and again improved to little bit and rise to 2.5G.Then the next generation 3G given a bigger change to mobile technologies.The hunting behind the newer technologies leads to the 4G or fourth generation.yes,the peoples are waiting for the latest technology to come

HUNT BEGINS FOR 4G.............................

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